Hotel Zen Balagares

Spa & Wellness

The spa at URH Zen Balagares Hotel & Spa offers close to 27,000 ft2 of facilities fully dedicated to your health and well-being. We have one of the largest and most modern spa centres in Asturias.


The sports area at URH Zen Balagares Hotel & Spa offers modern facilities and fitness machines in a 4,300 ft2 space. The gym also has spectacular glass windows overlooking Los Balagares Golf course and it includes a fitness room, a cardio room, an indoor cycling room and a room for guided activities.

We also offer a wide range of face-to-face lessons with an instructor, such as: indoor cycling, Pilates, water aerobics, body tonic and step-gap.

  • Sport member (daily access to gym and group classes)

  • Monthly fee: 37€

  • 3-month fee: 99€

  • Annual fee: 360€

  • Sport member + relax (sport member + free access to the spa from Monday to Friday)

  • Monthly fee: 55€

  • 3-month fee: 145€

  • Annual fee: 525€

Hotel Zen Balagares